Have you ever slept alone on a school night? | Teen Ink

Have you ever slept alone on a school night?

January 3, 2013
By 17momrowk BRONZE, Averill Park, New York
17momrowk BRONZE, Averill Park, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever spent a school night alone? Its pretty boring for a teenager. That’s why teenagers should be able to have sleepovers on school nights. If we get to have friends over on school nights we would have fun instead of being bored in our rooms. You don't want a mad teenager!

If I was allowed to have a friend sleepover on a school night, we would be asleep 9 and wouldn't be loud. We would do all of our homework and study. This is the time of my life that I would start creating my identity. It would help to have a positive peer relationship.
Having a friend over on a school night would teach me responsibilty. It would teach them to go to bed when they were told, to get our homework done, also to keep their rooms more clean.
Some would say not having a friend sleepover on a school night is a good thing. They might think that we would stay up too late and goof around all night. That we would not want to get up in the morning and that we wouldn't get our homework done.
Having a sleepover on a school night would be great. It would keep us teens of the internet so we could be more social. We could do our homework together which would make it more fun, and also if we didn't understand it we could ask our friend instead of asking our parents.We could be more social, because when we are at school we can't talk much.
In conclusion, some parents say its a bad thing for teens to have sleepovers on school nights. I believe they are wrong because it would teach teens responsibility, and how to be more social with people. If we didn't do what our parents said they could always take the privilege away. Having a friend school night would make your teen more responsible and don't all parents want their kids to be more responsible!

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