Feedback to: India’s Battle of the Sexes by Shagun Taparia | Teen Ink

Feedback to: India’s Battle of the Sexes by Shagun Taparia

October 20, 2013
By Anonymous

“India’s Battle of the Sexes,” by Shagun Taparia informed me about the horrible treatment women are receiving in India. Shagun tells us about the danger of living in India as a woman and the caution she must take. For example, she mentions that women are not permitted to wear short skirts, shorts, or dresses, because the men will stare. Her story showed me how fortunate I was to live in a country where this isn’t as big of a problem.

I agree with Shagun when she mentions that despite India’s intellect and success as a country, they still treat their women worse that dogs. I find it unfair that women are being treated so poorly and how they have to be in caution of their surroundings at all time. This sexist mentality is spread throughout the entire country and women don’t even realize that they have rights.

I hope that India is able to grow as a nation and realize women should have equal rights. The females in India deserve to have proper education and rights as a man. Also, they should be comfortable with their surroundings without being worried about their safety.

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