What is an American | Teen Ink

What is an American

November 7, 2013
By Fernando Cerceda BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
Fernando Cerceda BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

What is an American?

Americans; the brave, the strong, the smart, the good looking and the confident human beings, but people look at Americans as obese, dumb, alcoholic, drug addict, mix of different races, etc… People look at us as the worst human beings ever, but the majority of those people are either terrorists or just people that know nothing about the American history. Americans have been the ones to do literally everything; help out mostly every nation out there in the world, and actually have cause some conflicts out there with different nations. Americans were the first and only on the moon. We have been there; done what people expect us to do and have also been the reason to some conflicts, but we are not perfect. Americans aren't perfect but we sure aren't far from it either. We have freedom, pride in our nation but we also have our flaws. We Americans can each have different attitudes because not everyone is the same here in America. We all have different attitudes, different opinions and different thoughts. Once you get to know us, your whole perspective of Americans will change; that's if you don’t already like is.

Americans can be known as “talkers”. I have this quote that we Americans follow: “Well done is better than well said”. Benjamin Franklin was the author of this quote. He kept on saying how he was going to invent something great. He was going to do something good for the world. He ended up inventing electricity. Benjamin was an American; he was the one to invent something every country out there in the world is now using. He believed in something and went out to study it, improve it and finally release it. The authors meaning of this quote is that the way you do things might come out better than what you expect. Do the walk before you do the talk. Most people just say they’re going to do something but never do it. This goes out to every person out there in the world not just Americans. Do the walk. This quote talks to all the people who just talk and talk about their projects, plans etc…and never do anything about it. I do it before I say something because if i end up not doing anything about it, I’m going to look like a fool. Do it before you say it. I know a lot of people who say they are going to do something but never do it. That messes everything up; nothing ever gets fixed that way.
Americans. The brave, the mighty and the strong. We fight, we stop and we will continue to learn. We will always be competitive. But that isn't a bad thing; we also have pride and spirit for our country. The reason we have soldiers is for our protection not just to start wars. We know how to control our fighting skills. Some don’t but those are the uneducated ones, but if they aren't uneducated then they fight for a living. “I will fight no more forever”. The author Chief Joseph wrote this quote to show the fact that we will not fight ever again for the rest of his life. This is how some people out there in the world can change like that. They do not hold grudge and they do not enjoy fighting. We can control what we do. If we want to stop we will stop and we will not regret it, but that just shows how patient we are, but that is just some Americans because the others can be seeking revenge their whole life and those are the Americans who just have not been taught to let go of the past. Those are the inpatient ones.
Americans are smart. Americans are just Americans. Different types of people, mixed together in different races, ethnicity, etc… We accept anything that was and has been born on U.S soil. We accept our goods and our flaws. We don’t let nothing or nobody keep us down. Even if people look at us as selfish, weak, ugly, bad, etc… we will get up again and prove to them wrong. We are not just one race, one ethnicity, one religion. We are a free nation we have a various amount of different types of races, ethnicity, and religions, etc... We are mixed and it shows that we are not selfish about our country. We are free. People come to America to follow their dream. They come to America. The one nation where everything is possible. No matter what it is we get up and make it possible. We are no selfish about our protection. If another nation needs help we will go and help them out; let them know that we are neighbors and we will protect to. No matter where in the world we will go help. “An American in generous. Americans have helped out just about every other nation in the world in their time of need. When Afghanistan Was overrun by the soviet army 20 years ago, Americans came with arms and supplies to enable the people to win back their country. As of the morning of 9/11, Americans had given more than any other nation to the poor of Afghanistan.” This quote was written by Ferrera. What he is trying to say about his quote is that we helped out Afghanistan and they just turned their backs on us starting on 9/11. People can look real from the outside but once they turn their backs on you, you realize if they are really who they say they are. I call those two faced people because when they get you to trust them their second face makes them forget all about who they really are. Americans aren't what they look at us as, but if they got to sit down and actually look at us for a while they will understand.

Americans; the brave, the strong, the smart, the good looking and the confident human beings. That is of course if we aren't devils, the definition of an American like the way terrorists look at us. We have many stories to tell. We have an outstanding history and an amazing future. But we don’t let our flaws bring us down. It encourages us to be a better person. We create our future by brainstorming and teaming up together and talking it out. We improve from our mistakes. We keep going and going till we succeed. Nothing can stop us from what our goal is. If anything gets in our way we just push that conflict to the side by solving it and we keep moving. Some may say we are not perfect, but we sure aren't far from it. Americans; the brave, the strong and the smart.

The author's comments:
I like to look as everyone on earth as equal. no matter what type of person you are, race, culture, ethnicity? it does not matter to me, everyone is equal in a way.

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