Privacy | Teen Ink


January 8, 2014
By Anonymous

Facebook is my life. No its my husband. Maybe i should lay off for a few hours… YEAH RIGHT ! do you think im crazy hahahahaha. BOOM!!!! as your door has kicked down by a wild beast called your father the one you love the one you trust. As he comes blah blah blahing in your face. Is it a boy?. I know its a boy. Don't lie to me i am your father. Whats this. Facebook?. You put your face in a book?. Thats it no phone for a month. As he storms out the door without letting you explain. Thats why parents needs to have their boundaries when it comes to kids basically teens. Come on do you really want this every time you use your phone or computer but the question is do you want them?

I understand that parents want to protect their kids they can but sometimes we need our space too. I’ve interviewed some students about this here is what they had to say.
“ Yes, because I don’t do anything wrong but if they're just standing over you, you feel under pressure” - Nethanya
“ Yes, because say you have something wrong and you dont wanna tell your parents because sometimes your parents embarrass you I don’t think they have a right to go through your stuff.” - Stacy

“ Yes, I need those boundaries when I’m on my phone because I don’t want my parents sweating me down when i’m using my phone. Also I need my personal space, my personal circle, my Vortex”. -Dennis . My point exactly kids need their space why can't parents respect them.

Tommy jordan, an I.T worker from Albemarle N.C, invaded his daughter Hannah’s privacy by looking at her facebook page. He didn’t like what she shared with her friends so he put it on the ground and shot it. This reaction was going overboard. He had no right to look at her page without permission. Really thats like reading her diary thats not right. Do you know that the right to privacy is a universal human right? I think it’s important to recognize that privacy is essential to person’s sense of happiness and security. Even parenting books they frame privacy as a “teen issue’. Are you serious an issue its like a mind blown they just don't understand do they.

Imagine if it's a Saturday it's cold, rainy, so you couldn’t go outside and play so you get bored after awhile so you wanna go use your computer. First you play some games then you go on Instagram then your not so bored anymore you're laughing and dancing because of the videos you saw. Then your father hears all the noise so he comes up the stairs to check it out. Boom boom boom as he calls your name you don't hear him so he comes in anyways. All of a sudden he starts yelling at you"hey what are you doing making so much noise, I told you I'm trying to work whats this" now you're starting to freak out. All these things going through your head "oh no I'm gonna get in trouble but I didn't do anything wrong". Then he scrolls down to the letter you wrote to your boyfriend or and he asks you "so you have a boyfriend now. How long. you better break up with him". You don't want to you like him so you say no and your father gets even madder that you talked back to him he takes your computer and goes through all your private stuff. That computer was like your diary and he invaded it. Think about it. Now how do you feel about this.?

Now I do believe that teens should have privacy but we should let our parents know something's so we can be protected. Majority of teens ( 58%) do not think posting photos or other personal info on social networking sites is unsafe. Plus 69% of teens regularly receive personal messages online from people they do not know and most of them do not tell a trusted adult about it.
We should at least tell them that we even have the account you know so we won't get kidnapped if we meet someone we don't even know or if they're the real age or not like you gotta make the right choices when you're on your phone or computer or you’ll end up in a bad place.

We want peace. We want love. We want money. We want food. I can go on and on with this list but i'm missing the most important thing. The thing every teenager wants, the thing every parents hate. Our own world where its all peace and rainbows, chocolate houses that grows back when you eat them. That number one thing is PRIVACY but if its not on your list. What is?.


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