Judge | Teen Ink


June 10, 2015
By Dylan Brindley BRONZE, Havertown, Pennsylvania
Dylan Brindley BRONZE, Havertown, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

This world is definitely great, but some people make me second guess. We live in a world where you can’t be yourself without somebody looking at you weird or someone saying something bad about you. The majority of us just try to fit in, and go through the motions in life, just so we don’t get judged, because as people we crave love and attention, it’s just who we are and how we're wired. But I really don’t see the point of living my life based around what other people like, and living my life to satisfy others if I’m not also satisfied. People can’t express themselves by doing something as small as wearing a certain shirt without getting judged, and I don’t understand that one bit. People should just get over that not everyone is going to be the same as them and differences are a good thing, not something to be making fun of. People should be able to do the things they want or express themselves the way they want to without being judged.

People see differences as being wrong. If you’re not exactly like someone else they put a label on you as “weird”. Positive thoughts are somewhat shot down in this world,  and people love to judge differences, and don’t respect them. I didn’t write this because it's a problem in my life really, I have plenty of great friends who can respect people's differences, it’s just something I noticed throughout time, and I thought I would share my opinion on it. I just strongly believe if somebody wants to wear a tie dye shirt to school, they shouldn't get judged anymore than someone wearing a polo. As a society respecting people's beliefs are one of the most difficult problems to overcome, and a lot of people are scared to say what’s actually on their mind. One of the most realistic quotes I’ve ever heard was  Wayne Dyer saying,  “Judgements prevent us from seeing the good that lies beyond appearances.” Judging a person defines you more than it does them, and I think if everyone would just get over themselves this world would be a much better place, but that's just my opinion.

The author's comments:

It's just something I've noticed throughout my life, and it's not right.

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