Social Norms and Issues | Teen Ink

Social Norms and Issues

May 6, 2016
By Anonymous

Social norms are one of the most common factors of many youth’s everyday lives, but are they that beneficial. I support the idea the social norms are harmful because I believe that they cause a communist society where everyone has to be on the same and follow the ruling of one person, usually refereeing to the trend setter. The expectation of social norms can cause other issues on people, and have formed many boundaries on how you should look and how much you should weight. Social norms changes the perspective of youths making them biased, and causes the formation of outcasts.

Social norms cause a society similar to a society that believes in the rule of communism. Communism is a political belief that everyone is equal and everyone should be equal. The reason why I see social norms and communism so similar is that they both believe in are rule where everyone has to follow and if you do you would be accepted. If you follow social norms than you would be like everyone else, similar to the beliefs of communist. I would consider this a negative, because it causes young people to believe in communist at a young age without actually knowing it.

Social norms make boundaries of certain features such as weight and how you should look. This is a negative effect on youths because they cause them to believe that they are not perfect at a young age causing them to have issues looking at their own body. Considering this, in my survey many people have said that they know what are social norms and that a person in their life has been called fat, but when the person was called fat, most of them just shrugged it off. But the ones that didn’t forget it were traumatic and how they went through a depressed phase in their life.

This then cause a biased opinion and forms a outcast society that goes against people that follow social norms. On my survey, most of my peers said that they understood the harms of social norms making me believe that they understand what are outcasts are. Outcasts are the people who are left out because of how different they are, and with social norms, it makes being a part of an outcast group more significant and much harder to deal with. Social norms forms outcast because if you don’t believe in a certain idea, then you would be found as weird and much different from the rest, making me believe that social norms have a negative effect and cause youths to go in outcast groups.

Social norms are horrible for youths because they give off a wrong idea and how that they have to follow certain ideas or else they would be shamed upon. This includes not fitting in any certain way. This is also the reason why I don’t believe that social norms are good but are common because many people were raised by it, but I Still believe in that they should be broken up and people should have their own thoughts.

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