How Community Service Affects Your View of the World | Teen Ink

How Community Service Affects Your View of the World

June 5, 2016
By Anonymous

Every once in a year the school has asserted arranged outing for students in the higher grade to have a trip whilst learning how to help other people around them in a different society as a part of the civilization, preferably in small - and not prominent - villages full of excited and thrilled country-side children. They would teach the kids and help to improve their local library in the school by donating multitude books as well as decorating the place, hoping that it may motivate and spark a surge of happiness for it may be left as a reminder of how much blessings some people should not take for granted. By joining the community service, it is safe to say that students that came back home without a round trip would definitely have more experience and understanding of life for what it is to come. The looks of discern from parents show that it may either leave a positive or negative impact to the students that visited the village of altered scenery from the city of skyscrapers-touched sky.


Community work is needed, as requirement not only for graduation, but the importance of morality and stepping in to spirituality of an individual, like what various adages would say. The act of giving attention and sympathy to those who needed it most for consolidation is truly a first step of selflessness, and this would really help students in the future to become a good example for the following generations to come. Home-cooked traditional culinary infill the olfactory sense of every student resting in the appointed foster’s parents cottages. Most would love the feeling of their papillae tasting new colorful and unique different flavors. With nature living very near, it may not be a shocker that someone wanted to become an entomologist from observing such locusts jumping on trees and branches. The view of dusk and dawn is both spectacular, especially the stars at night. Picturesque beautiful moments are taken when Mother Nature shows the beautiful side of the country.

From the villagers’ point of view, survival is the main priority, thus the prowling to search for meals and scurrying at dinner because there is not much food left. But what they showed was not only harmony in living together in unity as one, but also with much collaboration and teamwork to keep the environment always tidy and neat and controlled. Students does not only contribute in helping the country’s people, but they also got a lot of tentative moods and ineffable jiffies of life in a flashback of memories. This activity is very important for a child’s character growth and development mentally and physically, being independent and mature for a good example.

Unfortunately, some people may disagree and thought community work that has been done is useless or time wasting and energy consuming. Maybe some does not want aldosterone at the morning after a quick exercise, or the uphill sidewalks and hurting of muscles from too much walking.  The comfort of home and mood is shattered and there is no effectiveness in teaching the children some easy-taught vocabulary. Their receptors responded differently from the thought that the place was unkempt. Even the activities that are established are boring and not quite what is expected. Maybe it does not impact the students at all, or worst, leaving a negative image burnt in their minds. The lenses seen through the students’ eyes are reflecting.

In the end, everything depends on the person feeling the connection and happiness in their hearts after having the community services. But it is hoped that maybe all people realizes there are still some people out there in need, or special care. Because everyone deserves to live a happy life, even though no one will ever know when the human race is ever going to be eliminated.

The author's comments:

As quoted from Bill Bullard, "the highest form of knowledge is empathy, for it requires us to suspend our egos and live in another's world. It profounds purpose larger than the self kind of understanding."

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