My Personal Credo | Teen Ink

My Personal Credo

January 8, 2014
By Anonymous

The quote I selected is: “I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god that you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.” The quote was written by Stephen Roberts, who used it in an online debate that he had taken part in. This quote speaks to me because it describes my religious view of atheism. I do not believe in any god, or God, himself. When the quote says, “I just believe in one fewer god than you do”, it made me think of how I regard other people’s beliefs. I do not think other people are foolish or mistaken by believing in a higher power, I just have no reason, myself, to believe in it. I regard other people’s religions kindly, and believe that we are still equals, we just have different views on how we live our lives. Religion is a wonderful way for people to achieve happiness, spiritual balance or anything that will make a person feel more comfortable with their life or give it more meaning. Many people would follow this sort of life by following the guidance and lifestyle of their chosen religion. They would attend church, pray to their god or gods and make some decisions based on what they are brought up to do through their religion. I live my life by not following a higher power, but by following my own morals and values. I decide for myself what is important to me a make decisions and live my life based on these thoughts. This means that restrictions that some people have based on their religion do not apply to me, and I decide what is right or wrong in my own eyes, which help me to lead a successful and prosperous life. When the quote says, “When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours”, it made me think of how I personally dismiss other religions. I do not believe in a higher power the same way a Christian does not believe in Zeus. They do not see a reason to believe in them. They dismiss another system of belief in favour of their own, and this is exactly how I treat my views. I do not treat another’s beliefs with disrespect, I kindly dismiss it, since I see no reason to believe it, myself. I value the life I have been given, and treat it with such respect. I value and respect the family and friends in my life, who all help me be a better person. I also realize that I live a more physically comfortable life than many people in the world, as oppose to a “spiritually” comfortable one. I do not have to struggle each day to keep my body healthy, or have to worry about my own safety, as well as the safety of those I value around me. I receive an education, which many people around the world cannot afford. I believe an education is one of the most important things that a person can receive since it teaches them how to become a more intelligent and better themselves so as to better the world. A person in this world needs to respect themself and those around them. You should not be bringing people down, and always be trying to better themselves and sometimes the people you value. Although the line between belonging to a religion and atheism is always under conflict, I choose to not take part in it. I do not believe in a higher power, while others do, and I think that is perfectly acceptable. I do not discriminate against them or treat them differently because we have different views. In my eyes, what someone’s beliefs are might as well be their hair colour or dominant hand, I treat them the exact same way.

The author's comments:
This piece was written for my Grade 11 World Religions class. We were instructed to write a page on our personal views of religion and how we live our lives in terms of religion or faith.

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