To Be Everything And Nothing | Teen Ink

To Be Everything And Nothing

May 20, 2008
By Anonymous

To Be Everything And Nothing

I lie down on this hill,
The cool grass cradling me,
Gentler than any mother.

I extend my arms and legs,
Forming the X which will mark,
The spot of my early grave.

I close my eyes and imagine,
The grasses and vines creeping,
Up, over, swallowing my body.

Sinking me into the green,
Melting me into Nature,
Dissolving me into all Life.

Erasing who I'm not and,
Assimilating me into,
The indentity of the world.

Each tree branch is my arm,
Stretching for infinity,
Trying to caress the moon.

My hair becomes the fields,
Of golden wheat, hated sage grass,
Dancing with the graceful wind.

Tulip, dahlia, and hyacinth stems,
Take control over my legs.
Giving them a better purpose,

And my mind, all I am,
Is absorbed into the conciousness,
Of the minute and vast Universe.

I wish these things could happen,
Removing me from the trials,
Of people and their petty cares.

But instead, twilight falls.
And I know I should arise,
To follow the short path home.

Still, I linger in the grass,
Dew condensing on me and,
Rocks stabbing my tender back.

And I wait for the moment,
When my hopes will happen.
And I'll disappear from your thoughts.

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