So here are my good byes | Teen Ink

So here are my good byes

December 13, 2007
By Anonymous

I sit under the stars
thinking about you
tears leaking from my eyes
so here are my good byes
why is life so unfair
full of sorrow
and the worlds despair
so here are my good byes
I’ve tried to feel nothing
but it all comes back
these feelings a crushing
I can’t even breath
so here are my good byes
I don’t know what I’m doing
to make these things come back
I’m done with all this crying
so here are my good bye
you keep taking and taking
giving me nothing in return
I have nothing left to be giving
so here are my good byes
good bye to everything you are
and everything you do
this has gotten to damn far
so here are my good byes
I’m putting this to a stop
good bye to the sorrow you caused
and all the pain you put me through
so here is good bye to you....

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