Losing love | Teen Ink

Losing love

January 21, 2008
By Anonymous

We sat on the dock fishing, no one is around.
Calm water beneath us, birds soaring overhead.
I look up and feel myself smiling.
Shimmering sunsets on the water.
Feeling relaxed, I turn to look into his eyes.
He doesn’t look back.
He’s fumbling with his shoe laces.
I tell him I love him and put my hand on his knee.
He didn’t hear me.
I said it again and he lifts his head up, eyes filled with tears.
He loves me so much.
He didn’t say anything but I wanted him to.
Talking makes him shift uncomfortably.
His face fills with unfamiliar tears.
Squeezing my hand tight, he says goodbye.
He is mine and I don’t want to lose him. Not again.
He doesn’t think I will be faithful.
I would give my life for this man.
Being together for years, he’s the only one I love.
All life is still as if it were no more.
Cold, not the dying sun but a dying love.
Fog settles over the lake.
Everything is still.

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