Never | Teen Ink


June 24, 2008
By paige.elizabeth BRONZE, Hamburg, New York
paige.elizabeth BRONZE, Hamburg, New York
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It's there, and then it's not
It is gone and now you see.
It's now- was, had, and -e-d

The feeling felt post
You would hope it's one, two, three.
It was till it hit you- the remorse

Pushes shivers down your back
The way it rolls as the ship rocks.
Events it takes to make you realize

Why are these things so unfair
The way this time takes such a solid hold.
And when you meet a brick wall- the time has passed.

When the world shakes you- hanging on that string
You, too, shake just as fast, maybe faster.
And the vibrating may not stop when the string is frozen

Think of the past-regret comes up
It should have, and could have, so why not.
It is now the present time- we think back

Apply what you have learned and then run
Watch for the changes and forget your past.
See the things that bring joy- not the second guess

Rejoice forever now that there's more good
You may see what you have from now to your end.
So celebrate- the hue changes from blue to gay.

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