He Was a Boy, She was a Girl | Teen Ink

He Was a Boy, She was a Girl

May 2, 2008
By Anonymous

he was a boy
she was a girl
love was thier game
hurt was his play
she loved him
he hurt her
opened her up
only to crush her down'tobreak her into a million peices
she lives for him
breathes for him
she will die for him
she can't stand the hurt
as he slowly kills her more each day
her bodey growin lifeless
her soal growing cold
the constant fire in her pain is dulling
replaced with blackness
she know she needs him
knows she'll always love him
she's to weark to break the trance
so she blindly follows
she would follow him to the end of the world
if only thats all it took
she can't take the pain
can't afford the risk
yet she follows
and lives
misteriously surving
only for him

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