Close Your Eyes | Teen Ink

Close Your Eyes

September 23, 2007
By Anonymous

Close your eyes!
I don't want you to see who I've become.
Don't look at me—
'Cause you're not going to like who you see.
I'm not the girl you used to know.
That girl disappeared a long time ago.

Don't look, don't look!
You deserve better. You deserve more.
Please, stop trying to see!
I don't want you to watch me break down.
You thought I was strong like I could never be.
Who I am is someone you shouldn't see.

Close your eyes, don't look at me.
You won't like what you see.
Don't look, don't look- stay away!
Stop! Listen to what I say!

I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry that I wasn’t strong like you.
Please, forgive me.
I was never the girl you said you loved!
She never existed- she was never real.
I was never your perfect ideal.

Don't chase me!
Move on and move forward with your life.
Don't linger!
I'm not worth the time.
That girl never loved you- she only pretended to
She's telling you now: she's not worth the pursue

Close your eyes- you deserve more!
You never knew her before.
Don't look, don't stay behind-
Just get that girl out of your mind!

I don't want you to see the person I've become.
The girl you loved is long, long gone.

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