One Day He Will Return | Teen Ink

One Day He Will Return

August 29, 2008
By PrincessofEngland1633 BRONZE, South Bend, Indiana
PrincessofEngland1633 BRONZE, South Bend, Indiana
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Every day I wait and pray,
That you really are OK.
I sit there crying,
on the step.
Thinking of how life you risked life,
but never once did you say why.
Never did you complain,
or even say life's to short.
Never did you say it was not worth it.
You flew to war,
To help us all,
knowing you could die.
So as I write this,
I sit on the porch,
Waiting for you to come home,
Wishing I was as strong as you.

The author's comments:
I tend to write alot of poetry dealing with war. I think it has affected me alot since my older generations of family were all in a war or in the army.

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