Discount Toy Store | Teen Ink

Discount Toy Store

October 4, 2008
By Anonymous

Once upon a time
There was a beautiful glass doll
Fresh in from the maker
And now ready to be sold.
She stood atop her doll stand
Inside the newest store
Center rack display shelf
With the new, the best, and more.
She watched the people pass her by
Waiting for her new friend
Wondering if they’d love her
And how much they’d have to spend.
A little girl stopped for a look
And pulled her from the rack
The glass doll’s hope soared to the sky
That she’d leave and not come back.
The girl played with the doll a bit
Saw all there was to see
And with a gleam in her small eyes
Opened her mouth and screamed.
The glass doll fell onto the floor
And broke in four pieces
A leg went here, and arm went there
Far beyond her reaches.
The little girl just walked away
The store owner came by
“You will not do, you have to move”
Said he with a mock sigh.
He placed her in a dumpster
Where she stayed all day and night
And with a half-used jar of glue
She tried to make things right.
Her elbow bent out much too far
And her legs would never stand
But even if she was deformed
At least she was whole again.
The next morning a stranger passed
Saw her where she’d been tossed
With softened eyes he took her home
And cleaned her without pause.
He took her to a toy store
For discounted broken toys
Where the windows barely lit
The halls empty of joy.
But through all this, the doll did not
Let go her hope-filled rays
That possibly someone would see
She’s beautiful one day.

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