A Parisian Evening to Cherish | Teen Ink

A Parisian Evening to Cherish

October 4, 2008
By KristinPatricia BRONZE, Bremerton, Washington
KristinPatricia BRONZE, Bremerton, Washington
4 articles 4 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;A good book should leave you slightly exhausted at the end. You live several lives while reading it.&quot; <br /> -William Styron

An entrance of lights
Is breathtaking, indeed.
At the end of the year,
This is just what we need.

Paris is beautiful,
A scene to be seen,
We'll take a walk in the park-
Surroundings serene.

The camera will flash,
Capturing memories of delight
As a promise and reassurance
That we'll remember this night.

Once the last dance has ended,
Taking our passports in hand
We'll leave this magnificent,
Remarkable land.

Reminiscing will amaze us-
Like taking a glimpse at the stars.
So easily conjured:
The evening Paris was ours.

The author's comments:
I wrote this to go into our "passports" that we took home after our Freshman Dance, themed: A Passport to Paris, at my jr. high last year. Everyone really liked it and felt that it fit the occasion.
I hope you do too.

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