The Demon Inside | Teen Ink

The Demon Inside

December 17, 2013
By Provider GOLD, Peoria, Arizona
Provider GOLD, Peoria, Arizona
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Live for today, and think of tomorrow.

hear him from down below
He tells me what I have to know.
I will fight and he will grow
Up until till their blood will flow.
As it has so long ago
Only wishing it will never show.
I see him getting ever closer
To the end of his long slumber.
The chains and shackles lay under
The beast of terror who grows larger
In a cage no longer stronger.
I can only warn them to run
For the beast will have his fun.
And as I watch them, I'm undone.
For we all knew this day would come.
And we will see it burn like the sun.
Insanity is his name
And evil is his game
As I watch my world burn in flames.
I see the blood roll in and stain
The purity and good into shame
As I walk alone on the road of pain.

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