You don't know me | Teen Ink

You don't know me

September 15, 2014
By atacrimpson PLATINUM, Mocksville, North Carolina
atacrimpson PLATINUM, Mocksville, North Carolina
22 articles 0 photos 0 comments

you don't know me

you've never seen me cry

you were never there

when my father beat me

or when my mother turned a blind eye


you don't know me

you've never seen my blood

you were not there

when i cut over and over

because the memories

hit me in a flood


you don't know me

i dout you ever care

because you didn't know

about my past

about my brother

who loved sex

and me

but mostly my body


i really don't think you know me

because you never stoped to ask

The author's comments:

to all those who like to judge on half truths.

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