The Pianist | Teen Ink

The Pianist

March 19, 2009
By Connor Bartz BRONZE, Sheridan, Michigan
Connor Bartz BRONZE, Sheridan, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Big Performance (Two things at once)

The pianist sits up
straight on the bench,
and plays his piece.
Not wanting to mess up,
because every note counts.
Every key must be hit
in a certain order,
or the performance won’t sound right.
Concentrating, looking at the keys,
hitting all of them at the precise moment.
All of the notes are, so far, being pushed
at the exact time they need to be,
he’s doing well so far.
The instructor waits to see his performance.
Putting the final touches on his classical
to finish the job,
he ends the piece,
faces his audience,
and waits to hear them cheer.
The instructor cheers,
he’s then given his reward.
His hard work has paid off.

The author's comments:
This piece was a small overview of how a person typing on a keyboard for a job and a pianist playing at the same time.

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