Bustling Milwaukee | Teen Ink

Bustling Milwaukee

December 12, 2017
By Noslen BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
Noslen BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:

A chaotic summer day in Milwaukee

Busy and lively
Beginning at dawn
Residents and travelers bustle about
The streets resemble a large fair

Children swarm the candy shops like locusts
With mouths watering and pockets full of change
Store clerks tend to heavy flows of customers
Happily and efficiently
Entertainment seekers view the vibrant shows in the theater
Eyes gleaming and imaginations racing

Gum sticks to pedestrians’ shoes
Like a colorful and tasty, but unpleasant glue
Street cars move efficiently
Filled with eager passengers
Hair falls on the floor of the barber shop as men freshen their looks
Piling up like the money the barber makes
The KA-CHING of cash registers can be heard in the streets
Signaling the success of each business

The street lamps begin to glimmer as the sky darkens
Night has fallen, the city starts to die
Crowds disperse, deserting the shops and businesses
The streets of Milwaukee sleep
Readying itself to welcome tomorrow’s crowds once again

The author's comments:

Written for the MPM poetry contest.

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