boy falling | Teen Ink

boy falling

June 29, 2022
By RH PLATINUM, Sammamish, Washington
RH PLATINUM, Sammamish, Washington
27 articles 11 photos 13 comments

Favorite Quote:
in incepto finis est

the sky is dull gray

and soon it will rain

but from the bleak sky

comes a flash of clear jade.


the sky is azure blue

with a violet hue

but from the vivid sky

comes a small khaki shoe.


the sky is bloodred

with a bright sunset

but from the dimming sky

comes a little brown head.


the sky is all dark

without a single spark

but from the night sky

comes a person's mark.


the sky is like a ploy

over the city of Troy

and from the empty sky

falls a young boy.

The author's comments:

boy falling by RH

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