Bloom | Teen Ink


May 23, 2011
By CommitCrucible GOLD, Dalton, Massachusetts
CommitCrucible GOLD, Dalton, Massachusetts
13 articles 0 photos 7 comments

Favorite Quote:
"One must have Chaos within one's self to give birth to a dancing star." -Nietzsche

“I am not afraid…I was born to do this.” - Joan of Arc

'Tis be verdurous Spring again,
Within the once lonely days.
Where hast the shy buds gone?
Where do the sun-tips lay?

Where hast the new buds fled?
And who art this odd fellow?
With its pacific form unveiled,
Boasting a gallant green so mellow.

Thou art the kin of trees, the leaf!
Thou who with a beauteous dawn!
Thou who professes to the corralling buds,
"Avaunt, ye ol' ersatz petals, begone"

And in myriad, the jovial jocundities ,
Bloom in a wondrous plenteous blast!
And across the virescent sky, She soars!
Oh Saint May, returned, thou hast!

The author's comments:
The first day I noticed that the leaves had bloomed, I simply had to write this.

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