Autumn | Teen Ink


December 22, 2013
By TheMipstaz BRONZE, Torrance, California
TheMipstaz BRONZE, Torrance, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Chilly breeze and dusking light,
All the signs of approaching night.

I stare and stare, and sigh again,
I’m tired of having to pretend.

Fear clutches, cold as fall,
My thoughts cast a stygian pall.

Eyes slipping shut, I start to dream,
Of your wonderfully, delightfully lovely mien.

Sun’s rising, my heart’s a-flutter,
The words are there for me to utter.

Smokey eyes are dawning bright,
Say farewell, my fading night.

It’s a new day; it’s a new season,
It’s time for me to forget all reason.

They say that love is blind as can be,
And yet, it’s what sets the heart free.

As spring blooms early and young,
Gone are my fears, gone is the numb.

I can’t let go; not now, not then,
It’s time for you to lose the title of “friend.”

So I said them, clear and precise,
For all to hear as I rolled the dice.

They tumbled and fell and rushed all around,
Those words and their meaning are quite profound.

You tipped your head and looked at me,
“Please explain your L-O-V-E.”

You looked confused, I’m not sure why,
Until I opened my mouth to try.

Nothing came out, I blinked in surprise,
“That’s like trying to explain what water tastes like.”

Smiling at my strange alibi,
Amusement glimmered deep in your eyes.

In that moment, I grinned too,
’Cause perfection was simply you.

Your lips ghosted across my ear,
And told me three words I wanted to hear.

The birds chirped, and the world went on,
But my heart was soaring, soaring…gone.

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