Love is something I don't understand | Teen Ink

Love is something I don't understand

November 5, 2014
By KaitlynSmiff BRONZE, Charlotte, North Carolina
KaitlynSmiff BRONZE, Charlotte, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It can't rain all the time"

Love is something I don’t understand
Something much more than a woman and man
Love is something that’s hard to achieve
Something much bigger than you and me

Love is something that’s hard to hide
Something much more than a twinkle in the eye
You can’t put it in a shoebox and hope it dies
Or stuff it in a closet and pray it never sees light

Love is something that comes around
It can make you spin or jump up and down
Love can overflow and fill your heart
Or take your life and break it apart

Love is complicated, love is hard
Love is not for the weak of heart
Emotions rise, tempers flare
It can even make you pull out your hair

It’s an uphill battle, some would say
Or its a risk that some never will take
Some don’t believe that love is true
But have they ever seen true love in full bloom?

The lucky ones can find forever
The best ones can stand the test of time
Love is fragile, love is limited
You have to be able to open your mind

Love is more than a beautiful face
Or an attractive stranger glancing your way
Love is deeper than just 3 feet
Look for awhile, and you’ll see what I mean

Have you ever felt true love?
Have you questioned its intentions?
Or did you just shrug it off
As lust or an obsession?

Most people say teens don’t know true love
That we’re too shallow to understand what it does
That’s why we break up, we’re lead to believe
This isn’t right, it shouldn’t be

But sometimes we strike out against the odds
We can prove we know what it does
By marrying young and loving forever
And having a family and staying together

But love can be something more than romance
It can be shared with family and friends
Love cannot be categorized
It can appear in all forms and styles

But what do I know?
I’m only seventeen
Love is just something I don’t understand
How would I know, where to begin?

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