A Place | Teen Ink

A Place

February 14, 2019
By Bedo6g BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
Bedo6g BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There is no excitement...I’m from,
a place where one can’t hear the birds sing.

A place where the chilling howls of the wind scream...
A haunting place filled with paranoia, where no one walks alone.


I don’t consider this home, the place I’m from.

My heart is lost in the shadows of desperation.
Longing and  persistent to get out with no clear path.


Friendly faces not welcomed where I’m from,
Survival, safety, and support...  
A place that preys on the weak…which was not me.

This place gives me a strength in my life’s journey.

I don’t want this to be the place where I’m from. It is all I know and what defines me.

Courage, family and faith defines me.

It is a place, I am proud of despite the despair.

I will remember this place... the place that I'm from.

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