Disneyland | Teen Ink


February 23, 2019
By aubree16 BRONZE, Lakewood, Colorado
aubree16 BRONZE, Lakewood, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The smell of spring in the air

The sun shining brightly in my hair

Smiles on every one’s face

With a hint of excitement

Seeing the bright Mickey-shaped balloons in little kid’s hands

And wanting one immediately

Getting closer to the castle

And seeing the bright princesses being bashful

Many salesmen on the sides,

One with pretzels; one with churros

Making me hungry by the minute

As if I didn’t eat 30 minutes before

Seeing all of the fun rides

And wanting to ride each one more than the other

Except when we saw the wait line,

It made me want to cry

Was the ride really worth the wait?

And like most answers at Disneyland, yes.

Rides like Splash mountain and the Teacups

And meeting characters like Goofy and Donald.

Everything at Disneyland was better than I imagined. .

More magical; more fun; more real

Maybe this was the happiest and most magical place on Earth.

And yes. The wait was worth it.

The author's comments:

Disneyland is a very special to my family and I. It was our first vacation spot and the first place we went out of town.

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