Mother of Execution | Teen Ink

Mother of Execution

April 21, 2019
By Melissg BRONZE, Ankara, Other
Melissg BRONZE, Ankara, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Carpe diem, seize the day boys. Make your lives extraordinary.

The night is young

The weather is deadly



The homeless try to

Take refuge

Under the sheets

That will neither be a shield

Nor a solution

But they try


It is this effort

So full of despair

Yet so full of hope


A fartuous desire in a way

The kind that you have

Or had in the old days


Your pure child of a heart full of

This silly naive hope

From the time you hadn't met the reality

The grim reality of life


The nature does not care

About this silly little hope of yours

It lets you,

Lets the homeless, the outcast freeze

Under the reality that rains from the sky

Hitting the ground like stones of despair.


The ground shatters

Into pieces of life

Creating holes

That suck the life out of

The homeless

The outcast

The displaced

As a way of execution

A destruction created by

The one and only

Mother nature.

The author's comments:

Written on a cold night from the warmth of my warm room, looking out into the world and wondering about justice, reality, nature and mostly life...

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