Old Days | Teen Ink

Old Days

May 19, 2019
By Mekial-Ahmed BRONZE, Edmonton, Alberta
Mekial-Ahmed BRONZE, Edmonton, Alberta
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Oh how I miss those days,

The days where kids roamed carelessly,

Through the back alleys and open fields.

The days where life was but a new adventure

Longing to be discovered.

The days where friends would care for you

without concerning themselves with a “status.”

I miss the days where life was simpler,

Where children were diagnosed with curiosity

Rather than chronic anxiety.

Where finals and University applications seemed so far away,

Where legos and PlayStation took priority.

Oh, how I miss those days.

I miss the days,

Where depression and anxiety did not have a place

In our feeble hearts,

Hearts which knew nothing but love,

Now corrupted by jealousy and greed.

Forced to turn friend against friend.

Innocent children turned into gangsters

In poor attempts to please a twisted fantasy.

Oh, how I miss when things were different.


But those days have passed now

Like butterflies, we have transitioned onto our next step

Leaving old ways of life in the empty shell of our moult

To find the next wondrous soul who wanders into this world

Protecting them for the years to come,

Serving as a catalyst for their imagination,

To host the trouble and mischief that they get up to,

Like the ones before them,

Like us.

But times come and go,

Good moments are just that,


Meant to be looked back and reminisced on,

Meant to be created anew as we move through life.

In the end when we walk down that final road

What defines us are these moments.

Oh, how I’ll miss them.

The author's comments:

This piece came about during a time in my life when I felt for the first time truly alone. My best friend who I considered my brother was moving away from home and everyone I knew was starting to change and move on. I wrote this piece as a way to express the emotions I had built up inside of me during this whole process, and through poetry, I was able to console myself and regain my ground from all the feelings rushing around inside of me. This piece holds a special value in my eyes and in my heart, and I hope while reading it you too will experience just why it is so important to me.

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