January 24, 2022
By aalaazah1 PLATINUM, Colombo, Other
aalaazah1 PLATINUM, Colombo, Other
32 articles 2 photos 153 comments

Favorite Quote:
where words fail music speaks
success is a journey, not a destination

when you feel your best, everybody else can feel it too - ARIANA GRANDE

If you are able to look yourself
in the mirror every day
with the decisions that you make,
that's where power starts - SELENA GOMEZ

Before you judge people judge yourself - ZAYN MALIK

haters will say what they want, but their hate will
never stop you from chasing your dream- JUSTIN BIEBER

If you follow your dreams,
it means you follow your heart.
if you do follow your heart,
I don't think you can go wrong- CELINE DION

I remember days we made fun of each other
and also all the joy we had with a couple of children more
I thought you would last an eternity as my friend
but what I didn't understand was, things in life could change
I knew you since we were small 
but, now you left the territory we lived
and you told me to hope you understand that I have problems

but i miss you as my friend and I know you do the same
and all i thought was, i'm never gonna meet you again
I knew I was pessimistic but it's because im hurt inside
but you told me that you would never forget me and 
meet me every year
so I count all my days of the year until your around
but what we know is we're everlasting friends again

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This article has 4 comments.

on Feb. 20 2022 at 12:18 am
aalaazah1 PLATINUM, Colombo, Other
32 articles 2 photos 153 comments

Favorite Quote:
where words fail music speaks
success is a journey, not a destination

when you feel your best, everybody else can feel it too - ARIANA GRANDE

If you are able to look yourself
in the mirror every day
with the decisions that you make,
that's where power starts - SELENA GOMEZ

Before you judge people judge yourself - ZAYN MALIK

haters will say what they want, but their hate will
never stop you from chasing your dream- JUSTIN BIEBER

If you follow your dreams,
it means you follow your heart.
if you do follow your heart,
I don't think you can go wrong- CELINE DION

@CaliFranceGurl648 haha sure one day...

on Feb. 15 2022 at 12:53 pm
CaliFranceGurl648 GOLD, San Diego, California
11 articles 1 photo 125 comments

Favorite Quote:
“I am a California girl, born and raised, so flip-flops and cutoff shorts are my go-to look."

– Meghan Markle

After I read this beautiful poem, I feel like I wanna see you.😢😢😢

on Jan. 26 2022 at 9:10 am
aalaazah1 PLATINUM, Colombo, Other
32 articles 2 photos 153 comments

Favorite Quote:
where words fail music speaks
success is a journey, not a destination

when you feel your best, everybody else can feel it too - ARIANA GRANDE

If you are able to look yourself
in the mirror every day
with the decisions that you make,
that's where power starts - SELENA GOMEZ

Before you judge people judge yourself - ZAYN MALIK

haters will say what they want, but their hate will
never stop you from chasing your dream- JUSTIN BIEBER

If you follow your dreams,
it means you follow your heart.
if you do follow your heart,
I don't think you can go wrong- CELINE DION

@afra yehhh true... distance doesn't matter for a bond 🥰

Afra ELITE said...
on Jan. 26 2022 at 8:01 am
Afra ELITE, Kandy, Other
103 articles 7 photos 1824 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A writer must never be short of ideas."
-Gabriel Agreste- (Fictional character- Miraculous)

@aalaazah1, I'm really touched with this poem...I so miss my dearest cousins and also, best friends...Your poem made me realise that no matter how far we are, we cousins/best friends would always be connected in the heart!!! ♡♡♡ Keep writing!!! 💫💫💫