Remember to fix your wings | Teen Ink

Remember to fix your wings

February 26, 2024
By TashaYang PLATINUM, Winchester, Other
TashaYang PLATINUM, Winchester, Other
21 articles 0 photos 0 comments

 I fly with a pair of broken wings,
From mum’s warm hug to a cold sea,
From naive to mature.
I believe I have known how to fly.
I fly with a pair of broken wings,
From babble to complete speech,
From misspelling to accurate language.
I believe I have known how to fly.
Now, I hit the ground miserably,
Because a tiny stone onslaught my wings.
I regret I didn’t fix my wings in advance.
I realize with a pair of broken wings,
Never can I really know how to fly.
I am still a young bird,
I am still able to fix my wings,
And fly again.
And you,
My friends,
Have you fixed your wings?

The author's comments:

If you really want to grow up, become a person you like. You have to "fix your broken wings", otherwise you will "miserably fell down". For me, my broken wings are carelessness and I frequently underestimate the "enemy". Think about yours, and try to fix it.

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