Doing A Stupid Thing | Teen Ink

Doing A Stupid Thing

April 29, 2024
By avarh7098 BRONZE, Paris, Tennessee
avarh7098 BRONZE, Paris, Tennessee
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

What they don't tell you before doing a stupid thing

Especially at a young age

Are the scars that are imprinted forever

With you

In your brain

And in your heart.


Minor or major

You will mess up, one time, or many times

You are expected to make a mistake 

But making the wrong one

Will change who you are


Altering you into a new, fresh mindset

Or leaving you drowning 

Within the vast ocean of your mind

Where you once conjured up something so stupid

For something so little

Risking everything 

For nothing. 


Maybe you do it because your bored

Maybe you want to prove a point 

Maybe you just want to ‘live a little’ 

Or maybe, your just a young girl

Trying to figure out life

Trying to figure out how to please people you love the most

When in the end

You end up hurting them

Disappointing them

As they see a side of you, which truly isn’t yourself

And that’s what impacts you the most

It’s the guilt 

The regret

The knowing fact the little, innocent girl that was one inside you

Is forever gone

And you do everything to make her stay

Or come back 

Just to push her away 


From one stupid thing. 


You want to bottle yourself up 

The strong desire to stay in your dark room

Avoiding everyone

Knowing what you’ve done

Thinking they don’t even know you

When that wasn’t you at all

You let yourself explore a little too far

You crossed your boundaries

You intended to be the best 

For your siblings

For your cousins

For your mom

For your dad 

For your family

Just to disappointment them all

From one stupid thing

A stupid thing

That so strongly altered your life 

You honestly became a different person


What they don’t tell you when you make a stupid decision

Is you have two choices following

You can take it 

Run with it 

Do it all again

And destroy your life


You can learn from it 

And let every action following 

Benefit you 

For your family


And especially

For yourself

To be happy



And prosper





The author's comments:

This piece really reflects on my past, and how I prospered from my mistake that I once thought was the end of the world. 

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This article has 1 comment.

on May. 10 at 2:27 pm
Cylu728 PLATINUM, Miami, Florida
25 articles 1 photo 6 comments
So true