Letter to myself: Do you still remember? | Teen Ink

Letter to myself: Do you still remember?

June 1, 2024
By Aii BRONZE, Honolulu, Hawaii
Aii BRONZE, Honolulu, Hawaii
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Hope for the best, and prepare for the worst!

Dear Me,

I write from a moment
On an unsure path
Everything fervent
As I move from class to class

My days are made from questions
Uncertainty to hope
I hope to learn life's lessons
Finding ways to cope

I hope I remember
Twenty years from now
From January to December
Living in this town

Do you remember the wind's roaring rush
Sunshine through the leaves
Hiding in the brush
Playing out our dreams?

Do you remember grabbing roaches
Dunking them in screen
Then hiding it under a frisbee
So no one else could see?

Do you remember busy night markets
Bustling full of spirit
Pushing through the crowd
Small hands picking at carrots?

Do you remember mixing compounds
Yelling in delight
Glue as the ground
Making sure it's right?

Do you remember a raspberry bush
Ripe, enticing to eat
Then everyone getting sick at home
While you stayed well and neat?

Do you remember eating ice cream
Sitting with your friends
Writing out our schemes
Planning the weekends?

Do you remember making themes
For your very first club
Teaching salsa, wild dreams,
Creating different teams?

Do you remember writing codes
On the back of the music sheet
Whispering secrets
While playing the strings?

I hope you remember
All these little things
It all makes me wonder
What will we achieve?

Will I follow my thunder?
Or be left alone to grieve?
Will I always listen
To all those I once believed?

Will I find it in my heart
To cherish every friend?
Or will we walk our own
And slowly drift apart?

All these things race through my head
As I prepare for my childhood
To come to an end.

I hope I’ll remember
All these little things
The laughter, the tears,
My family and friends,

And as I step forward
Into the great unknown
I’ll carry these memories
So I’ll never be alone.



The author's comments:

This is my first poem outside of school assignments, and I hope it captures the nostalgia and transition from childhood to adulthood. Many of the memories are personal, like protecting roaches with sunscreen or eating wild raspberries that made my friends sick (Not me! I have a stomach of steel) sick, but I hope the feelings come across. Thank you for reading!

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