Masks | Teen Ink


July 23, 2010
By Maehym BRONZE, Jacksonville, North Carolina
Maehym BRONZE, Jacksonville, North Carolina
3 articles 1 photo 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before" -Poe

"In her heart, though, she wondered, is anything remembered forever" -Ada in Cold Mountain

Can you see through the masks; Each one more hidden than the last.
Love is the favorite mask. It's the one with the least lies.
There are holes, however, for the disgraceful eyes.
It's marked with swirls of affection and compassion for the wearer's lover.
A set of red lips match the face that is covers.
Love is not the only mask with an obsession. There is another called Free Expression.
It's a mask that hides half the face. A mask that no one can erase.
Here is the artist's heart; the visionary mind can go far.
The mask of the troubled one; revealing scars that can't be undone.
There is the last mask after the one that expresses most. Its called the Mask of Boast.
It claims no fault with nothing to hide, but it is the mask with the most lies.
No second thoughts on anything in mind; thinking others are so blind.
Show confidence but fear failure; living in lies of the boastful speaker.
So these masks line along the shelf on the wall, waiting for the wearer to fall.
Choose the next mask with care, in hopes of the wearer's face might still be there.

The author's comments:
Everyone has a mask. Which one do you wear?

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