It's All You | Teen Ink

It's All You

October 10, 2010
By Michelle24 GOLD, Riverwoods, Illinois
Michelle24 GOLD, Riverwoods, Illinois
19 articles 0 photos 36 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."-Dr. Seuss

"Life is not measured by the breaths we take but by the moments that take our breath away."-Unknown

You are too oblivious
Too blind to understand
Your ears won't listen to my words
But it's not like they'd have any effect anyway
It's the way you speak your pessimistic views
On my shining day
The way you tell me you hate my favorite things
And crush my every dream
Oblivious, of course
Too afraid to see anything more
Than the tip of your own nose
You come off differently
I thought you were deep as the ocean
So much to say to people, so much for me to hear
But really, all you are is a kiddy pool.
Nothing to say but hurting words.
I want to tell you to go away
But because of that first impression
You are my best friend
And I'll admit, I'm too afraid
Too afraid to speak this truth
Too afraid to defy your views
I'm not going with your flow
I'm not that kind of person
But I'm too afraid to let you know
I'm the fish swimming in the other direction

The author's comments:
I think everyone has a friend like this... At least where I'm from.

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