A Soldier in my dreams... | Teen Ink

A Soldier in my dreams...

November 16, 2010
By Puzzlepeace GOLD, Bellevue, Nebraska
Puzzlepeace GOLD, Bellevue, Nebraska
10 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Music is all around you, all you have to do... is listen.&quot;<br /> -August Rush

You appeared in my dreams as a ghost of my depression.
After you left me i could no longer see the goals of my succesions.
You spread out your arm to invite my hand.
I spread mine across your fingertips, grasping, as if to take one last stand.
A battle of wars and a field of blood, you stood by it as a sign of your love.
The fighting and gun shots, the companions falling to the ground.
And all i can think about is you taking your last bow.
No longer in my life, but up in the sky.
I wish you would have never left me to cry.
But now i salute you my dearest of friends.
For you are my hero, my angel, my bravest of saviors to fight with to my end.

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