The Cherry Blossom Tree | Teen Ink

The Cherry Blossom Tree

December 17, 2011
By poparteeb2 GOLD, Setauket, New York
poparteeb2 GOLD, Setauket, New York
13 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Just because you have the emotional range of a teaspoon doesn't mean we all have.”

How could something,
Be as soft as silk,
Yet so strong and rough,
Like a guttural voice.
It defines beauty as we see it,
A soaring sensation to our stomach,
Fragile before our fingers,
It dies so fast.

But that is the bloom, that’s all we see,
We don’t notice the rough bark,
The vibrant thrum of life that hums inside,
The multitude of chittering chattering insects and bugs,
Inside the cherry blossom tree.

We see beauty inside the flowers but not the bark
But for someone who’s climbed a tree,
Got cuts on their body,
Sat on the wondrous branches,
Looked upon the world, from so high up,
Who felt like a deity,
The world is just the bark and the flower.

The author's comments:
only the bark makes the flower beautiful...

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