"Where I'm From" | Teen Ink

"Where I'm From"

March 7, 2013
By SarahMiller BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
SarahMiller BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.&quot; - Aristotle<br /> &quot;The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.&quot; - Eleanor Roosevelt

I am from sweltering heat and white sandy beaches,
From the sound of crashing waves,
And bicycle rides into the sunset;
I am from the sea.

I am from old cottages with sprawling patio decks,
And barbeques that extended well into the night,
From salty air and burnt skin and sandy toes;
I am from summer.

I am from family businesses,
From the “Home of the Big One,”
And walking barefoot through Food Lion,
From good ole’ family dinners at Mario’s,
To Strawberry Shortcake ice cream at Hershey’s;
I am from southern comfort.

I am from the Indian Festival,
The Chili Cook-Off,
And spectacular fireworks over the lit up bridge,
From the Christmas parade, to bike week,
From the “24” to the “500,”
I am from tradition.

I am from a stunning dimming sky,
And summer rains that cut the day short,
From knowing everyone on beachside by name,
To watching beautiful brides say “I do” at the Casements,

I am from a blur of pink and orange,
From love, bliss, and chapped lipped smiles,

I am from home.

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