Journey on Water | Teen Ink

Journey on Water

April 29, 2013
By Alexis McKay BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
Alexis McKay BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It must be breezy
On the ocean.
The sky cheery with
Evident, puffy clouds
Flowing in the comparable direction,
Angling on the boat that is
Floating through the water.

It’s an elegant boat,
With a wide variety of ways
To travel to, but the
Point of concentration is the
Curvy path ahead, which is
Different from the others.

I know this feeling,
I’ve had this feeling.
The sense of longing to
Be something other than what
Your friends desire.
The feeling of accomplishment
After you achieve something
So marvelous you can’t
Help but smile.
I love it.

Wherever it is headed, it has
No intention to turn around
And go back.
It wants to feel success and to
Keep sailing along on the
Path of life where the
Older and wiser birds fly above it –
As if they are
Encouraging and cheering it on to
Keep going.

They know it’s tough,
They have been through it all before.
They support people like us.
They have wandered down the
Same journey once in their lifetime and
Look at them?
So successful and
So content
While everyone else
Looks up to them
Just wishing,
They can go back and
Adjust their ways.

I want to be the one
They look up to,
The one they long and
Wish to be.
I believe the breeze
Blows everything,
In a certain direction just like
I believe the path
I’m seeking was
Meant to be
For me.

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