Prince Don't Even Bother | Teen Ink

Prince Don't Even Bother

January 19, 2014
By HotNoodles BRONZE, X, Michigan
HotNoodles BRONZE, X, Michigan
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Completely cut off from the rest of the world

She could not believe she was cooped up in some godforsaken tower
waiting for some numb nut knight
to get himself into some “shining suit of armor”
work up enough fool hearted bravery
venture into the middle of who-knows-where
cross an ocean of a moat
risk his whole well-being
to slay a freight train of a ferocious dragon
climb to the top of the tallest booby-trapped tower
to save her
Then, of course, she would be obligated to promise
fidelity forever with this idiot

She would need a miracle.

The author's comments:
Something I thought of while thinking of traditional princess stories.

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