Dustin's Pancho | Teen Ink

Dustin's Pancho

August 22, 2014
By Damianna3 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Damianna3 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
4 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
If we are born to die and we all die to live then whats the point in living life if it just contradicts- Falling in Reverse (Ronnie Radke)

I am called Pancho I am a flier in cheer,

My boyfriends name is Dustin People call him Dustina I call him babe,

That is how i came up with the name Dustin's Pancho for almost everything so far, I luv him and started my day off really bad because I thought he was not at school, then i saw him and my heart fluttered and now my day is 30000000 times better He is a different feeling in my life.

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