You Would Think He Was In Love | Teen Ink

You Would Think He Was In Love

November 4, 2015
By Watsonia BRONZE, N/a, Other
Watsonia BRONZE, N/a, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"you laughed like a metaphor I've been trying to write down for years"- Rudy Francisco

You would think he was in love with tragedy
The way he loved me
All in, no take backs, like i was the only.

You would think he was in love with love
The way he loved me
Tight grip, quiet laughter, secrets laid bare

You would think he was in love with sin
The way he loved me
Back corners, spotlight, all the same way.

You would think he was in love with the world
The way he loved me
The obvious, only taking what i gave to everyone else

You would think he was in love with danger
The way he loved me
Reckless, angry, the constant free fall.

You would think he was in love with the story
The way he loved me
Prince in shining armor, dragon, damsel in distress

But you would never think he was in love with me
The way he loved me
Perfect, a secret, like it was never about me.

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