Our Time | Teen Ink

Our Time

June 9, 2016
By amaxnightmare SILVER, AMHERST, New York
amaxnightmare SILVER, AMHERST, New York
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My sister uses his sweatshirt as a blanket,
While your stuff is packed neatly into a bag
So that I can return the mementos of our memories.

And although you do not love me anymore,
I still love you-
In ways I will never be able to explain.

I will wish from the bottom of my heart
That we are meant to be
And that this just was not our time.

That you will not move on with somebody else,
That we will end up together again.
Because I have stopped counting.

The next time the months will not matter,
All that matters is that
I want more time with you.

Life is short.
I do not care how much more time
I just need more.

And I suppose in the end I am causing myself more pain.
When I see you with her it will destroy me.
When I kiss someone else it will be temporary.

I am waiting for you.
I will wait until time forces my hand.
You will move on without me

And never return,
But until that day
I will wish.

I will pray,

Make deals with the universe-
With the devil if I must-
That we will get back together and spend the rest of our lives

In a forever without an expiration date.

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