Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

September 19, 2016
By Sterlinganna PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
Sterlinganna PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
21 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’m from an old wooden house hidden deep in the woods,
tan painted,
cedar roofed.
I’m from my imagination, daydreams of my land 
bearing splinters and scrapes
and climbing rope drapes.
I’m from a world where two little girls lose a battle to the lake,
the world with no father,
a world filled with ache.
I’m from ice creams at LeDuc's and picking raspberries with Amanda.
From cuddling my cat Sterling,
my nose in his fur.
I’m from snowball fights, and hot cocoa that took away my burrr.
I am from my mother.
“Love you too,” “love you more,” we said.

I’m from the music playing, me swaying, and dancing on the ballroom floor.
fancy shoes on my feet,
and the teacher I’d meet.
I’m from school bells and homework and books filled with wonder.
From note passing, secret handshakes,
and eating with friends.
I’m from the place where my best friend and I used to hang,
from up till midnight,
and it'll be alright.
I’m from the time in the ambulance (it was fast, big, and red), I felt nothing but scared...
IV’s and blood, with my mother it wasn't shared.
From the poking and prodding, new nurses in training.

I’m from homecooked meals, and Italian Mama’s. Rolling spaghetti,
flour in my face like confetti.
Smelling fresh sauce, eating Pizzelle. 
I’m from snuggling with my family while the storm clouds rolled,
and walking at night,
for a starry night stroll.
I’m from kisses and hugs and “No bedtime bugs”
from monsters under beds,
and furry protectors.
I’m from an old wooden house hidden deep in the woods, 
With a past that I love
And my future...unknown.

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