i am not a writer. | Teen Ink

i am not a writer.

October 18, 2016
By maddyyyyyyyyyy BRONZE, Battleground, Washington
maddyyyyyyyyyy BRONZE, Battleground, Washington
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

I am not a writer. I do not like to write. I do not write to write.

In my life, writing only comes with a grade. Anything else doesn't exist to your mind. I may have words. Locked away in a book only i can access. To others, its oblivion. Its nothing. Something you will always wonder about but never see.

I write to feel. I write to cope. I write to breathe.

In my world, writing is a struggle. You just want to keep your secrets, you just want to be left on your own. You don't want anyone involved. But sometimes people are greedy. Sometimes people don't want for you what you want. Sometimes people think they know you better than you do. All they want is to be in on the s***. They want to be involved. You run and run and run.

You cant run forever. Sometimes they win. The people. They obliviously push harder and harder and they don't realize what they've done until they see you falling from the ledge farther and farther out of reach.

Its too late. You've written all you can. People know your secrets. Your no more than a memory.

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