Haiku About Music | Teen Ink

Haiku About Music

March 14, 2019
By Mdelcampo6393 SILVER, Wilmington, California
Mdelcampo6393 SILVER, Wilmington, California
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Soft, loud, creative

Relatable to just me

Music is my life

No reason for words

Expresses the way I feel

With every tempo

A different rhythm

And with changing dynamics

And catchy refrains

Many harmonies

Quit relaxing and soothing

Not always in tune

Will never get old

It is everywhere you go

Hundreds of genres

Happy or anger

Dedicate songs to someone

With or without words

Epic symphonies

With wonderful melodies

Passionate Refrains

Romantic or not

Unforgettable phrases

All comes naturally

Colorful movements

With minor or major notes

Always a surprise

Sing along in sync

Pour your heart out in the words

Memories return

The author's comments:

This was something I created while in my creative writting class. My teacher assigned this project to us and at first I needed so information to remember what a haiku was. It was the first time I ever wrote a haiku, from what I remember at least. 

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