A Mothers Broken Love | Teen Ink

A Mothers Broken Love

May 15, 2019
By Anonymous

Here I lay, lifeless, behind your shadow

I try to stand but I fail, I just fall

I can't prevail, I can't win this tough battle

In which I feel so trivial, so small

I screamed for you, throat sore, did you not hear?

My sobs, echoing, like howls in the night

Taking over my body that wild fear

What you did, how you left, it wasn’t right

Broken promises and sad goodbyes from you

Nothing left to do but move on, let go

Like a migrating bird, I too can leave it be

Hang up my gloves, won’t keep up this show

I am not the way I used to be

I am stronger and wiser as you can now see

The author's comments:

The writer of this piece is a seventeen year old senior in high school. Born and raised in Dallas Texas, planning to attend Texas Woman's University come Fall. She faced multiple difficulties throughout her senior year but still managed to make it through stronger than ever.

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