Just some love poem | Teen Ink

Just some love poem

June 14, 2020
By Lauren_2 BRONZE, London, Ontario
Lauren_2 BRONZE, London, Ontario
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
We drink the poison the world pours for us then wonder why we feel so sick-Atticus

A love interest A potential bride

Alas, does everything have a cost

All the tears you have wept sobbed and cried

And all of the joy that you seem to have lost




But my heart that you seem to have defrost

With you, my wishes seem to become true

I will love you forever, cross my heart

You seem to be so perfect nothing askew


Is it truly worth it, to be your glue

All the pain that it appears to inflict

Even if it only makes me feel blue

But when I met you it all seemed to click


It left me with a myriad of scars

But I believe our love will travel far

The author's comments:

Just another love poem from someone who has never really experienced it❤️

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