peace of mind | Teen Ink

peace of mind

December 17, 2020
By Anonymous

the dark night comes quickly without delay 

a tenebrous expanse, dire to many  

and with night comes sleep for many, i say 

but that rest costs quite a pretty penny 

for on every night people take that chance 

will it be peaceful sleep, nightmare, or dream?

the risks can be as vicious as a lance 

i wonder if sleep is just a quick scheme 

with night comes sleep and you don’t have a choice

neither do many decisions in life 

people can’t stay silent or use their voice 

death is the only way to cease the strife 

goodnight, i say, as i watch the sun set 

the moon rises slow, it’s presence a threat

The author's comments:

inspired by shakespeare, and this was done for a creative writing class. it was written at 3am when i couldn't fall asleep. 

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