Cold Feet | Teen Ink

Cold Feet

November 4, 2012
By Mirai Shah BRONZE, Fremont, California
Mirai Shah BRONZE, Fremont, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I shakily begin to walk down the aisle towards him
My heart beats erratically while my nervous palms begin to sweat
Everyone looks at me, wondering why I look so grim
Though I thought I had prepared for this day, now all I feel is regret

I consider running from this room in a moment of great insanity
However, I realize that doing so would simply invite my own doom
I take in a deep breath, trying my best to quench this overwhelming anxiety
I see my handsome ex-boyfriend’s face, which seems to mirror my gloom

After a minute, I successfully stumble to the end of the aisle
Knowing he can sense my uncertainty, I look down, ashamed
Then I glance to my left as my best friend shoots me an encouraging smile
Her grin restores my confidence; my doubt is finally tamed

He smiles and promises me that it will all be okay
So I kiss my exam goodbye and place it in the tray

The author's comments:
The poem demonstrates how each aspect of test-taking, taken out of context, can relate to walking down the aisle at a wedding. By exaggerating the scenario, the poem encourages students to remain calm throughout the test-taking experience.

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